How old is Clem in Season 2?
Season One: At the beginning of the game, Clementine is 8 years old. By the end of the season, she is 9 years old [1]. Season Two: In the second season, Clementine is 11 years old [1]. Season Three: In the third season, Clementine is 13 years old [1].Season Two starts some months after the end of the first season. Clementine has regrouped with Omid and Christa, but her carelessness at a rest stop causes Omid to be killed by a scavenger.Acclaimed author Tillie Walden enters the world of Robert Kirkman's THE WALKING DEAD as 17-year-old Clementine must learn the difference between living and surviving in this intimate, coming-of-age YA graphic novel.

Do you play as Clementine in season 3 : Clementine, also nicknamed Clem, is the protagonist of the The Walking Dead series. Clementine is the main protagonist and playable character of Season Two and Season Four while appearing as the deuteragonist of Season One and Season Three (where she is also playable in flashback sequences.)

Is Clementine 18 in Season 4

Season 4 jumps ahead again by a few years, but Clementine's age is never revealed in the final season. However, Melissa Hutchison confirms in this video that Clementine is 16 during Season 4.

How old is AJ TWDG : around six years old
Most of all, there's AJ, the infant son of Clementine's ally Rebecca, who Clementine promised to raise when Rebecca died back in Season Two. The Final Season rejoins Clementine and AJ, now around six years old, on the open road.

Clementine: Book Three is the third and final book in Skybound Comet's Clementine graphic novel trilogy, written by Tillie Walden.

You don't need to. Only one character from the DLC really plays a big role and the stories from 400 Days has little impact on Season 2 other than establish how some/all of them ended up at a place. No. You will see some of the characters in season 2,but if you are interested in the backstory just watch it on youtube.

How old is James TWDG

It was confirmed that James is 17 in age. James is one of twelve LGBT characters in the series along with Clementine, Violet, Minerva, Walter, Matthew, Zachary, Jonas, Paige, Javier Garcia, Jesus and Charlie.12-year-old
Tennessee, as known as Tenn, is a quiet, creative 12-year-old who appears in season four, with one of the saddest TWD origin stories. Tenn is one of the nine surviving kids of Ericson's Boarding School and the brother of Sophie and Minerva, two members of the enemy group of this season, The Delta.Sexuality. Clementine is able to enter a relationship with either Violet, a female character, or Louis, a male character, making her bisexual. Clem was also confirmed to be bisexual by writer Mary Kenney and creative director Kent Mudle.

"400 Days," the DLC for "The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series," functions as a bridge connecting the first and second games, reminiscent of a prologue. It presents various stories that you shape through your choices – a brilliant concept that I truly enjoyed, despite finding it a bit brief.

How long is TWD 400 Days : Powered by IGN Wiki Guides

Single-Player Polled Average
Main Story 443 1h 31m
Main + Extras 87 1h 34m
Completionist 247 1h 42m
All PlayStyles 777 1h 35m

How old are Enid : Enid first appeared before the time jump, so because of this, by the time of her death in season 9, episode 15, she had already reached her 20s. But when Enid first met the group, a scared and orphaned teen, at just 16 years of age.

How old is Daryl

Age. Late 40s to Early 50s ("Who Are You Now")

One of the former Telltale devs revealed in a tweet that Clem is a bi. Things like that should've been kept shut and determined by the players. It's not new that game developers feel the need to tell us that there are characters with different sexual orientations.Ironically, The Walking Dead has a high percentage of LGBT characters amongst its main cast; Aaron, Jesus and Tara are openly gay. However, their romantic relationships, especially compared to Rick's, are less developed. One could argue that their characters are newer and secondary, so they're naturally less developed.

Is there a 6 year time skip in TWD : The Walking Dead: Dead City sees Maggie and Negan going to Manhattan to rescue her son Hershel, who was captured by a group led by a former Negan follower with the Saviors. Dead City featured a major time jump for the series, taking place around six years after season 11 ended.

Did Clementine Lie About Her Age?

AJ Swear vs Little Clem Swear - The Walking Dead The Final Season