How much can Loki lift?
Loki's strength never comes close to Thor's immense level of power, much less the physical might of other Asgardians such as his father Odin (Anthony Hopkins) and his grandfather Bor (Tony Curran).God of Mischief and brother to Thor, Loki's tricks and schemes wreak havoc across the realms. Loki, Prince of Asgard, Odinson, rightful heir of Jotunheim, and God of Mischief, is burdened with glorious purpose.50 tons

Superhuman Strength: Loki, without the aid of anything, through his own biology, possesses superhuman strength that is substantially superior to that of an average Asgardian female or male. In fact, Loki is currently stronger now than he was while male. He possesses sufficient physical strength to lift up to 50 tons.

Can Loki lift Mjolnir : Warning: Spoilers for The Immortal Thor #5! There's been confusion among fans about whether or not Loki is worthy of wielding Thor's hammer, but Marvel has finally confirmed that the God of Mischief can indeed lift Mjolnir.

Is Tyr older than Thor

Tyr is the god of war, son of Odin is Thor's older brother. Tyr a veteran was the defender of Asgard before the time of Thor.

Is Thor’s dad Odin : Odin Borson is the King of Asgard, land of the Norse gods of myth. As a supreme warrior and slayer of the ice giants, he is a force to behold. Also known as the All-Father, King Odin raised a son named Thor with whom he defends their godly realm against threats planetary, cosmic, and sometimes even familial.


Loki isn't just a master of mischief burdened with glorious purpose – he's also secretly a hefty boy. The same promotional video for Loki that confirmed the Marvel Cinematic Universe's version of the character is genderfluid also revealed that Loki Laufeyson weighs in at an impressive 525lbs.

His magical abilities are equal to Karnilla, the most skilled sorceress in the Asgardian dimension. Being a telekinetic, Loki can influence the movement of objects and people with his mind, and as such, this power proves to be devastating and chaotic in nature.

Can Loki beat Thor

Rune King Thor / Herald of None Thor would stomp Necrogod Loki. Can't decide who's more powerful between the two. They seem comparable to each other. Rune King Thor effortlessly killed Mangog and defeated Loki with his Rune Magic.50 tons

Superhuman Strength: Loki, without the aid of anything, through his own biology, possesses superhuman strength that is substantially superior to that of an average Asgardian male. He possesses sufficient physical strength to lift up to 50 tons.Only sufficiently powerful beings or divine weapons can kill him. Immense Physical Prowess: As the Norse God of War and second son of Odin, Týr has incredible levels of divine strength, speed, durability, and stamina, enough that he was capable of fighting competitively with Kratos for a prolonged period of time.

Týr is an imposingly tall God in comparison to his Aesir kin, towering over even the likes of Thor at 8'5.

Could Odin beat Thanos : Portrayed by Anthony Hopkins, Odin is the powerful ruler of the Nine Realms who has sworn to protect every kingdom under his rule. With Odin still ruling Asgard, Thanos would have easily been stopped had he made a play for the Infinity Gauntlet.

How tall is Odin : 6’9”

The comic book height of Odin is 6'9” (2.06 m). Odin Borson is a fictional warrior, father of Thor and Loki and King of Asgard in the Thor movies and the extended Marvel franchise.

How strong is Loki

Superhuman Strength: Loki, without the aid of anything, through his own biology, possesses superhuman strength that is substantially superior to that of an average Asgardian female or male. In fact, Loki is currently stronger now than he was while male. He possesses sufficient physical strength to lift up to 50 tons.

The comic book height of Loki is 6'4” (1.93 m). Loki is a fictional prince of Asgard and god of mischief in Thor, The Avengers, and the extended Marvel franchise.He can lift up to 50 tons.

Is Loki even strong : It is possible, however, that she can further increase his strength through mystical enchantment on a temporary basis. While as a male Loki was still superhumanly strong as an average Asgardian male, he was strong enough to lift 30 tons , however his strength could be increased through mystical enchantment also.