How much balance is a WoW Token?
1 WOW = 0.02213 USD.WoW Token purchased from the Shop for real money can be sold on the in-game Auction House for gold. Tokens purchased on the Auction house for gold can be redeemed for $15 of Balance or 30 days of Game Time. For detailed instructions on using this feature, select a section below.The biggest factors that cause WoW Token prices to rise are an overabundance of gold in the game or a bevy of new items or sales on the Blizzard store. On the converse, prices fall when the demand for in-game gold rises, and when more people are playing World of Warcraft.

How much is a WoW Token in eu realms : History

1 Day 30 Day
Low 324,203 319,514
High 333,116 398,501

What is Max Blizzard balance

You can add Balance up to a maximum of $350/€250/£200, or $110/€110/£100 if you do not have an Authenticator linked to your account. Balance caps vary depending on your currency.

How to sell a WoW Token for real money : Go to any Auction House and place your WoW Token into the Auctions tab as you would for any other auction. You will be shown the current selling rate for Tokens, and you can choose to list your Token or wait and list it later.

It can take up to several days for a token to sell. WoW Tokens are sold in the order they are listed on the Auction House. You will always receive the amount of gold you were quoted when putting the token up for sale. If a token you posted does not sell after two weeks, contact Customer Support to check the status.

Go to any Auction House and place your WoW Token into the Auctions tab as you would for any other auction. You will be shown the current selling rate for Tokens, and you can choose to list your Token or wait and list it later.

Do WoW Tokens sell

Players are able to purchase WoW Tokens through the In-Game Shop for real money, and can sell WoW Tokens on the Auction House for gold at the current market price.But once you but once you buy it and I'll show you guys real. Quick. Once you buy it here's the token again you right-click the guy and here you can do one of two things you can either trade it in forWhen making a digital purchase using a credit card, a minor charge in your local currency may be applied to ensure the card is valid and has sufficient funds. This charge is temporary and will generally be cancelled within 24 hours.

There is currently no expiration date for balance once it's been applied to an account.

Do WoW Tokens sell fast : It can take up to several days for a token to sell. WoW Tokens are sold in the order they are listed on the Auction House. You will always receive the amount of gold you were quoted when putting the token up for sale. If a token you posted does not sell after two weeks, contact Customer Support to check the status.

Can a WoW Token not sell : Certain Auction House addons may cause problems with selling the WoW Token. If you use one of these addons, disable it and reset your user interface before trying to sell the Token. Note that WoW Tokens purchased with gold cannot be sold again on the Auction House.

Is it legal to buy WoW gold

You are not allowed to buy or sell WoW items, products, or services for real money. Accounts involved in real money transactions may be penalized under our End User License Agreement. You can buy or sell WoW items and some in-game services for gold. If you want to buy or sell gold, you must use the WoW Token service.

You can have a maximum of 20 WoW Tokens purchased for real money at a time. If you have 20, you must put one for sale on the Auction House before you can buy another one. You can buy a maximum of 20 WoW Tokens every 7 days. The 7 days is calculated on a rolling basis, depending on the purchase date of the tokens.In the background. It looks like the Wow talking about exchange has gone live fancy schmancy so this is something that has been kind of been mentioned back vector and Blizzcon when they said hey we

Do WoW Tokens expire : Players can use the WoW Token item to redeem it for 30 days of game time, consuming the Token. If the player's account is currently inactive, they can redeem a Token through the character select screen.