How many people speak Russian in Czech?
Native speakers

Country Speakers Percentage
Canada 112,150 0.3%
Croatia 1,592 0.04%
Cyprus 20,984 2.5%
Czech Republic 31,622 0.3%

I would agree with others that Czech grammar is more difficult than Russian, and Polish even more complicated. I dabbled in Croatian a couple of years ago and found it really easy to pick up, at least up to A2 level. It was a lot of fun.Though Czech and Russian are closely related Slavic languages, they have a few differences at the level of syntax, morphology and their seman- tics. We discuss incongruities that we found in a parallel Czech-Russian cor- pus, mainly reflecting differences in the sentence structure.

Is Czech a dialect of Russian : Czech and Russian are both Slavic languages, and as such they have a lot of common vocabulary words which they inherited from their common ancestor language, the proto-Slavic language. The Czech language has been influenced by the German language, and there are many German loanwords in Czech.

How many Russians are in Czech

approximately 22,000 Russians

According to the 2021 data from the Ministry of the Interior, there are approximately 22,000 Russians living in Czechia, making them one of the largest immigrant groups in the country. In terms of integration, it can vary among individuals and the level of their involvement in the local community.

What are the top 3 languages spoken in the Czech Republic : Percentage of people in Czech Republic who speak the languages below as a mother tongue or foreign language.

  • Czech 98.77%
  • English 11.75%
  • German 8.62%
  • Slovak 7.29%
  • Russian 7.09%
  • Polish 1.41%
  • French 1.07%
  • Italian 0.63%


In fact, in terms of vocabulary acquisition, Czech is probably the hardest Slavic language for a Westerner to learn.


If you're looking for the easiest Slavic language to learn, we would suggest Bulgarian with the lack of grammatical cases.

What language is most like Czech


Slovak is the most closely related language to Czech, followed by Polish and Silesian. The West Slavic languages are spoken in Central Europe. Czech is distinguished from other West Slavic languages by a more-restricted distinction between "hard" and "soft" consonants (see Phonology below).Czechia has announced that it plans to continue its ban on issuing visas and residence permits to Russians and Belarusians in response to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. The new regulation aims to replace the current restrictive measures, set to expire on March 31.Czech demanding for its grammatical complexity

Mastering Czech demands around 1,100 class hours for English speakers. The language's seven cases influence the complexities of learning Czech, writes Czech Class 101. Each has unique noun, adjective, pronoun, and numeral declensions based on gender.

Russia tourist visa requirements:

Holding Czech passport that is valid for six months beyond the period of the intended stay in Russia. Proof of onward travel (departure) from Russia.

When did Russians leave Czech : Symbolically, the commander of the Soviet Central Group of Forces, General Eduard Vorobyov, was the last Soviet soldier to leave Czechoslovakia — on 27 June 1991. After the occupiers' departure, costly and long-term work began to recover from their stay.

What language is Czech closest to : Slovak

Slovak is the most closely related language to Czech, followed by Polish and Silesian. The West Slavic languages are spoken in Central Europe. Czech is distinguished from other West Slavic languages by a more-restricted distinction between "hard" and "soft" consonants (see Phonology below).

Is Czech a romance language

All three of Europe's main language families are descended from Indo-European: The Slavic languages, such as Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, and Czech. The Romance languages, which are based on Latin. Romance languages spread through Europe with the Roman armies between 400 B.C. and A.D.

When I started learning Czech I happened to work with speakers from all 3 languages. I found Czech fairly difficult to start learning as native English speaker. However, Polish is more difficult in my opinion. The sounds and some of the grammar, while similar to Czech, appeared a bit more complex.Czech conjugation involves four classes, six persons, and verb forms that depend on gender and number. The language has formal and informal speech distinctions, and its phonetic nature introduces diacritics that impact pronunciation, making focused learning efforts necessary.

Is Polish or Russian harder : In terms of grammar, Russian is easier to learn than Polish. Although Russian and Polish contain many consonants, making spelling and pronunciation difficult, Russian is easier to learn than Polish. Russians don't use the verb “to be” in the present tense, which can throw off new learners.