How is Bucky still alive after 70 years?
Bucky Barnes, like Steve Rogers, has lived for several decades due to cryogenic freezing and the super-soldier serum. Bucky's life expectancy could potentially surpass Steve's 116 years, depending on circumstances. Despite outwardly aging at the same rate as Steve, Bucky can still live for at least another 80 years.1945-2014. 1945- Barnes Is Found Alive Thanks to Zola's experiments, Bucky survived his fall and was found by Hydra, though he lost his left arm. He was also subsequently turned over to HYDRA's Siberian facility and held prisoner.Bucky Survived Through Cryogenic Freezing And The Super-Soldier Serum. After surviving his fall from the train, Bucky would be kidnapped by a HYDRA cell in the Soviet Union, and then placed in the same super-soldier experimentation that Steve was.

How does Bucky Barnes survive : The Hydra experimentation on Barnes causes him to survive his fall, and he is recaptured by the Hydra wing of the Soviet Union, where he is tortured and brainwashed by Arnim Zola and turned into the Winter Soldier, a mind-controlled super soldier with a metal prosthetic arm.

How old is Bucky biologically

Taking the experimentation, cryogenic freezing and time skips into consideration, Bucky is physically somewhere in his mid-30s by the time The Falcon and the Winter Soldier takes place, making him appear seventy-some years younger than his chronological age.

Does Bucky age normally : How is Bucky Barnes still alive for so many years The Super Soldier Serum Injected into him gives him the ability to slow down aging, like Captain America in ice. He was also Frozen just like Steve, his aging slowed.

He's a little more than a year older than Steve, which makes him the oldest human Avenger at a chronological 106-years-old. This puts him in his twenties during Captain America: The First Avenger, as he would have been about 26 in 1943, when he and the 107th were captured by Hydra.

Bucky Remembers Steve Rogers – Erasing Memories Scene | Captain America The Winter Soldier (2014) – YouTube.

Will Bucky Barnes ever age

How is Bucky Barnes still alive for so many years The Super Soldier Serum Injected into him gives him the ability to slow down aging, like Captain America in ice. He was also Frozen just like Steve, his aging slowed.Taking the experimentation, cryogenic freezing and time skips into consideration, Bucky is physically somewhere in his mid-30s by the time The Falcon and the Winter Soldier takes place, making him appear seventy-some years younger than his chronological age.Unlike some characters, Bucky does have a canonical birthday: March 10, 1917. He's a little more than a year older than Steve, which makes him the oldest human Avenger at a chronological 106-years-old.


According to Google, comics Bucky was born March 10, 1917. If we presume that's the case for movie Bucky, he'd have been 24 when the US declared war against Japan and 28 when the war was in it's closing days, which is generally the time frame for when he disappeared.

Do super soldiers age slower : The Super-Soldier Serum dramatically prevents individuals from aging due to the regeneration of healthy cells. For instance, Dr. Kudrin has stated that Natasha "don't age as fast."

Is Bucky stronger than Steve : Usually, Captain America is considered the best fighter in the Marvel Universe, but on this occasion Bucky beat him fair and square, even using Steve's own shield to deliver the final blow. The power levels of Marvel characters vary greatly according to writers' preferences and story needs.

Why does Steve love Bucky so much

Bucky is the closest thing Steve has to family even before he falls out of the 1940s and ends up in modern day America. He's far more than just a surrogate brother—he's Steve's last piece of home. In a very real sense, Bucky is home. Little wonder Steve is so desperate not to let him go.

Bucky owes his youthful appearance to repeated cryo-freezes orchestrated by the Russians. He possesses no super powers and never received a form of the Super Soldier Serum as many assume, but continues to operate at peak human ability.Bucky Barnes' Redemption Arc Softened His Strength

Logically, that reduced the amount of wear and tear his body suffered over time, giving him longer periods to recover from each mission by doing nothing and ensuring that he struck to kill every time.

How much older is Bucky than Steve : He's a little more than a year older than Steve, which makes him the oldest human Avenger at a chronological 106-years-old. This puts him in his twenties during Captain America: The First Avenger, as he would have been about 26 in 1943, when he and the 107th were captured by Hydra.