How heavy can Captain Marvel lift?

MU '85: 100 Tons.She most often uses her shapeshifting ability to extend her limbs, torso, or neck, allowing her to navigate the world and confound enemies in combat. Her battle cry, “Embiggen!,” refers to her ability to grow big and tall, and when she becomes a giantess Ms. Marvel is able to lift up to 75 tons.Strength. Captain Marvel can lift 200 tons when in Binary mode—a hefty 400,000 pounds that is well over the combined lift of Cap, Iron Man, Widow, Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Ant-Man, the Wasp, Doctor Strange, and Hawkeye.

How strong is Captain Marvel : Hank Pym measured her super strength in the comics, the Avengers found out that she could punch with a force of 92 tons at just her base strength alone. Most other Marvel characters don't have that much force to their punches.

Can Hulk lift 150 billion tons

The shockwaves from the Hulk's collision with the Ironclad reached an infinite number of dimensions through the Crossroads nexus, creating cataclysmic upheavals and unimaginable destruction. He can punch his way through dimensions. Lifted a 150 billion ton mountain range.

Can Spider-Man lift 1,000 tons : Not even close! So if Spider-Man can lift 10 tonnes overhead, then it's reasonable that he can deadlift/squat/pull variable weights around the 40-80, or with a little exaggeration, 100 tonne range depending on artistic license of the current writer.

If the star's weight was equivalent to the weight of Sol, the Hulk is capable of lifting 2 octillion tons.

According to official Marvel Database, Captain America's full limits of strength is lifting up to 1,200 lbs with maximum effort, which gives him the ability to knock out Thunderball who possessed superhuman durability and also lift merge hulk. It's enhanced strength, but not at the superhuman level.

How much can MCU captain lift

According to official Marvel Database, Captain America's full limits of strength is lifting up to 1,200 lbs with maximum effort, which gives him the ability to knock out Thunderball who possessed superhuman durability and also lift merge hulk. It's enhanced strength, but not at the superhuman level. Super SoliderOther, newer, sources say MALE Asgardians can lift (Under optimal conditions) 30 tons, while female Asgardains 25 tons. So Thor, at the very least, striped of his Godly heritage/strength, depending on just his birthright, can still lift 30 tons.All of these factors lead to Thanos being easily able to lift 100 tons, putting him in the same category as Thor, Hulk, and powerful celestial beings. Thanos is also skilled with hand-to-hand combat and was trained in the Art of War while on Titan.

The Hulk Can Break The World

If the star's weight was equivalent to the weight of Sol, the Hulk is capable of lifting 2 octillion tons.

How much can she hulk lift : Superhuman Strength – Through exercise as Jennifer She-Hulk also gains benefits from this. Jennifer is a fit woman and is regularly exercising but as her more human form she still does not overly exceed strength levels as She-Hulk she can currently lift up to and possibly over 100 tons especially when angry.

How much Thor can lift : Infinite weight. He was able to lift a book which had infinite pages when he was a kid. Yeah, he did that when he was just a freaking kid. Both Odin and Bor failed to do so, yet Thor was casually able to lift the book and its infinite pages like it was nothing.

How much can Odin lift

Odin is the most powerful of the Asgardian gods. Possessing the massive energy source called the Odinpower, or Odinforce, Odin's physical abilities are augmented, including superhuman strength, lifting up to 75 tons, superhuman durability, and regenerative powers.

In Batman #655, Bruce is shown to be bench pressing over 1000 pounds during one of his regular workouts. In Batman Odyssey #2, Bruce mentions that his maximum leg press is 2500 pounds.Thor's strength is classified as Class 100, which means he can lift well over 100 tons without too much difficulty. This is the same strength class as the Hulk, and it is said that Thor can even lift the Hulk with one hand.

How much can Loki lift : 50 tons

Superhuman Strength: Loki possesses superhuman strength that is substantially superior to that of an average Asgardian male. He can lift up to 50 tons.