How did we win ww2?
By 1943, the Allies manufactured about three and a half times more airplanes than Germany and Japan. The ship building numbers overwhelm the eye even more. In 1943, the Allies—led by the United States—produced seven times the number of ships that Germany and Japan did, even including German U-boats.On May 8, 1945, Germany surrendered. After the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan surrendered on September 2, 1945, and the Second World War came to an end.The war in Europe concluded with the liberation of German-occupied territories; the invasion of Germany by the Western Allies and the Soviet Union, culminating in the Fall of Berlin to Soviet troops; Hitler's suicide; and the German unconditional surrender on 8 May 1945.

How did Britain win WWII : The British developed an air defence network that would give them a critical advantage in the Battle of Britain. The Dowding System – named for Fighter Command's Commander-in-Chief Sir Hugh Dowding – brought together technology such as radar, ground defences and fighter aircraft into a unified system of defence.

How was WW11 won

The success of air power in Europe persuaded the American military leaders to try to end the war with Japan the same way. City raids from May 1945 destroyed a vast area of urban Japan and paved the way for a surrender, completed with the dropping of the two atomic bombs in August 1945.

Who is most responsible for winning WW2 : the Soviet Union

Approximately 70 per cent of all German troops killed fell on the Eastern Front. It goes without saying that the Soviet Union played the largest role in determining victory. So that's three for the Soviet Union, two for the team, one for the United States, one for Britain, and one for the western front.

On Victory in Europe Day, or V-E Day, Germany unconditionally surrendered its military forces to the Allies, including the United States. On May 8, 1945 – known as Victory in Europe Day or V-E Day – celebrations erupted around the world to mark the end of World War II in Europe.

After President Roosevelt died on April 12th, 1945, it became Harry Truman's job to decide how to end the war.

Who is responsible for winning WWII

In World War II, the three great Allied powers—Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union—formed a Grand Alliance that was the key to victory.With Britain gone, Hitler could have transferred more of his Panzer Divisions from France as well as the Afrika Corps. There would have been no Yugoslavian uprising delaying Barbarossa by two months and Moscow would have been taken in late 1941.As an island nation, Britain just did not have the manpower to be able to fight across so many global fronts. The Indian army provided a huge 2.5 million soldiers across the world. They were fighting in Burma, in North Africa and in Italy.

At the end of the day, there's no realistic scenario where Germany wins WW2. The only reason they ever thought it was possible was because they (incorrectly) believed that BOTH the Soviet Union AND the United States, the two largest industrial powers in the world, would just roll over and surrender rather than fight.

Could Russia have won WWII without the US : The Soviet Union deserves credit as the power that did the most to defeat Nazi Germany during World War 2, but it couldn't have won the conflict without the Western Allies. Beevor, Antony. The Second World War. New York: Little Brown, 2012.

Why did Russia win WWII : The Soviet Union repulsed Axis attacks, such as in the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Kursk, which marked a turning point in the war. The Western Allies provided support to the Soviets in the form of Lend-Lease as well as air and naval support. Stalin met with Winston Churchill and Franklin D.

Has Germany ever won a war

Yes. In fact, in the 1939-40 war against the original allies of France, Poland and Great Britain, Germany did win. Today, we see these victories as inevitabilities. To the world in 1940, they were nothing short of unimaginable.

Undoubtedly, the Soviet Union played an enormous role in defeating Germany and paid a heavy price in blood to do so. The total number of Soviet casualties, military and civilian, remain generally unknown. Some estimates put the number upward of 20 million. Staggering to say the least.Negotiations dragged on for months, but in the end, the Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to accept blame for the conflict, give up its overseas colonies and 13 percent of its European territory, limit the size of its army and navy, and pay reparations (financial damages) to the war's winners.

Did Germany ever come close to winning ww2 : With Calais surrounded and the German spearheads only five miles from Dunkirk, the War Cabinet met the following day – Monday, May 27 – at 4.30pm. The meeting only lasted an hour and a half but was probably the most important 90 minutes of the war – certainly the closest Hitler came to winning it.