How did Captain America go from small to big?
The training regimen was based on heavyweight/low-rep sets of the classic compound lifts. I did stuff like squats, deadlifts, shoulder press, incline bench presses, weighted dips, and chin-ups."In the comics, the impetus for Rogers passing the mantel on to Sam Wilson is that his serum is neutralized. This causes Rogers to age rapidly and he appears as the old man he would have been if not for the super serum halting his aging."Bone Deformity, Partial Deafness, Diabetes": Captain America Explains Why He Was So Skinny Before the Super-Soldier Serum.

How did Captain America return as an old man : The Avengers: Endgame ending saw Steve Rogers use Pym particles to venture through the Quantum realm and travel through time in order to return all the Infinity Stones to their original place in the timeline. Then, instead of returning to the present, he chose to stay in the past and spend his life with Peggy Carter.

What is Captain America’s age

Chronologically Cap is 66 (the years he was frozen) add his “true” age of 39, giving us 105. After the jump to 1945, he presumably lived until 2023, which gives him an added 78 years to both of his ages. So overall, biologically Steve is 117, chronologically he's 183.

How tall is Loki : 6’4”

His weapons of choice are throwing knives. Loki is portrayed by Tom Hiddleston in the MCU with a height of 6'2” (1.88 m). The comic book height of Loki is 6'4” (1.93 m). Loki is a fictional prince of Asgard and god of mischief in Thor, The Avengers, and the extended Marvel franchise.

Chronologically Cap is 66 (the years he was frozen) add his “true” age of 39, giving us 105. After the jump to 1945, he presumably lived until 2023, which gives him an added 78 years to both of his ages.

Bucky Barnes, like Steve Rogers, has lived for several decades due to cryogenic freezing and the super-soldier serum. Bucky's life expectancy could potentially surpass Steve's 116 years, depending on circumstances. Despite outwardly aging at the same rate as Steve, Bucky can still live for at least another 80 years.

Was Captain America skinny

Summary. Marvel Studios used CGI to transform Chris Evans into skinny Steve Rogers, showcasing Steve's journey before the Super Soldier Serum. Captain America's skinny body double, Leander Deeny, was crucial in completing the transformation for the MCU's first super soldier.Captain America ages more slowly than a normal person, but the primary reason he was able to live into the 21st century unchanged is that he spent most of that time in suspended animation in a block of ice.Bucky Barnes, like Steve Rogers, has lived for several decades due to cryogenic freezing and the super-soldier serum. Bucky's life expectancy could potentially surpass Steve's 116 years, depending on circumstances. Despite outwardly aging at the same rate as Steve, Bucky can still live for at least another 80 years.

Captain America's Super-Soldier treatment dramatically slowed his aging process, allowing him to survive decades frozen in ice near the Arctic circle before emerging to resume life as one of Earth's most powerful Super Heroes.

Is Thor 1500 years old : It says ~1050, but in Infinity War, Thor very clearly states he is 1500 years old.

How tall is Odin : 6’9”

The comic book height of Odin is 6'9” (2.06 m). Odin Borson is a fictional warrior, father of Thor and Loki and King of Asgard in the Thor movies and the extended Marvel franchise.

How tall is Hulk

between 7 and 8 ft

As Bruce Banner, the character is about 5 ft 9 in (1.75 m) tall and weighs 128 lbs (58.05 kg), but when transformed into the Hulk, the character stands between 7 and 8 ft (2.13 – 2.43 m) tall and weighs between 1,040 and 1,400 lbs (471.73 – 635.02 kg).

Bucky Barnes, like Steve Rogers, has lived for several decades due to cryogenic freezing and the super-soldier serum. Bucky's life expectancy could potentially surpass Steve's 116 years, depending on circumstances. Despite outwardly aging at the same rate as Steve, Bucky can still live for at least another 80 years.In terms of his physical age, Steve hands over his shield to Sam Wilson when he's a spry 114 years old, or thereabouts. However, he's actually been alive for about 180 years.

How is Bucky still alive after 70 years : Bucky Barnes, like Steve Rogers, has lived for several decades due to cryogenic freezing and the super-soldier serum. Bucky's life expectancy could potentially surpass Steve's 116 years, depending on circumstances. Despite outwardly aging at the same rate as Steve, Bucky can still live for at least another 80 years.