How big is Russian army?
The Russian Armed Forces are the world's fifth largest military force, with 1.15 million active-duty personnel and close to two million reservists.Russia's armed forces now have around 1.1 million active troops across all branches, according to the International Institute for Strategic Studies' 2024 Military Balance database, 500,000 of which are in the army. Moscow has another 1.5 million people in reserve across all services.Organization. The largest naval infantry units are brigades or regiments. A Naval Infantry Regiment consists of roughly 2,000 personnel and is equipped with the PT-76 and BRDM-2, consists of 1 Tank Battalion and 3 naval infantry battalions, one motorised with BTR-60-series amphibious vehicles.

How much artillery has Russia left : At the moment, RUSI estimates Russia has approximately 4,780 artillery pieces, 1,130 rocket-launcher artillery systems, 2,060 tanks of various designs and 7,080 other armoured fighting vehicles. It is also supported by 290 helicopters, of which 110 are attack helicopters, and 310 fixed-wing fighter-bombers.

How big is the NATO army

around 3.5 million

How Big is The NATO Army The total number of troops and personnel in the armed forces of all NATO nations is around 3.5 million.

How big is the Ukrainian army : Comparison of the military capabilities of Russia and Ukraine as of 2024

Indicator Russia Ukraine
Estimated available manpower 69,432,472 22,806,303
Active soldiers 1,320,000 900,000
Reserve forces 2,000,000 1,200,000
Paramilitary units 250,000 100,000

Due to its association with the war in Ukraine, the Z has become a militarist symbol in Russian propaganda and is used by Russian civilians to indicate support for the invasion, further adopted later by Russian far-right organizations.

Manpower. Nato would have 3.2 million military personnel in the event of a global conflict, while Russia would only have 1.2 million, according to MOD. With the combined forces of the 32 member states, the Russian army would be outnumbered by two million personnel.

Is Russia’s army bigger than NATO

However as always, skill and competence of the individual soldier is more important than higher numbers. As of 2024, NATO had approximately 3.39 million active military personnel, compared with 1.32 million active military personnel in the Russian military.Germany.") As of 31 May 2023, the Bundeswehr had a strength of 181,672 active-duty military personnel and 81,612 civilians, placing it among the 30 largest military forces in the world, and making it the second largest in the European Union behind France.Russian typewriters like this one were manufactured without the digit 3 as the letter Ze could be used instead. Ze is derived from the Greek letter Zeta (Ζ ζ).

On Instagram, the Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) posted on 3 March that the "Z" symbol is an abbreviation of the phrase "for victory" (Russian: за победу, romanized: za pobedu), while the "V" symbol stands for "strength is in truth" (Russian: сила в правде, romanized: sila v pravde) and "The task will be completed" …

Can Europe defend itself without the US : For Europe to fill the space left by America's absence would require much more than increased defence spending. It would have to revitalise its arms industry, design a new nuclear umbrella and come up with a new command structure.

How strong is NATO really : “NATO is not just the strongest military alliance in world history, it's also an effective international organization that materially increases its members' joint military capabilities and political influence,” says Stone, an expert on international relations and institutions.

Can NATO win against Russia without us

Hypothetically, if the US was not involved; yes; The remainder of NATO Could defeat Russia.

“NATO is not just the strongest military alliance in world history, it's also an effective international organization that materially increases its members' joint military capabilities and political influence,” says Stone, an expert on international relations and institutions.The Swedish Armed Forces are made up of 25,600 active personnel, 11,800 military reserves, 22,200 Home Guard and 6,300 additional conscripts yearly into the Reserves (set to increase to 8,000 conscripts yearly by 2024) as of 2023.

How big is the Turkish army :

Turkish Armed Forces
Active personnel 355,200
Reserve personnel 378,700
Budget US$15.8 billion (2023)