Does Snape actually love Harry?
In the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movie, Snape showed how much he loved Harry, providing him with his memories and showing that he saw Lily in him, his last words echoing this: "You have your mother's eyes."A Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Snape is hostile to Harry due to his resemblance to his father James Potter, who bullied Snape during their time together at Hogwarts.The movies follow the books closely enough that they aren't really separate universes, except for the fourth movie. There isn't any truly compelling evidence that Snape is Harry's father, because all the points you raise are explained. Snape hated Harry because Harry reminded him of the man who "stole" Lily.

Did Snape really love Lily : Severus Snape spent the majority of his life in love with Lily Potter. It is easy to understand why Snape, who had an unhappy homelife as a child, fell hard for the first person to show him love and kindness.

Did Snape end up loving Harry

Now, as firmly established, Snape was not the greatest fan of Harry, but that didn't mean that he ever stopped loving Lily. Dumbledore was surprised that Snape seemed to care for the boy. With a swish of his wand, Snape conjured up a Patronus – Lily's Patronus, a doe.

Did Lily ever forgive Snape : She missed Snape, but she knew she could never forgive him. Snape never stopped trying to make amends. But Lily remained steadfast. She could not, would not, forgive him.

Neither evil nor completely good, he is a morally gray character, which is exactly what makes him so divisive. But whether fans like Snape or not, it's hard to argue with how much he contributes to the overall success of the Harry Potter series.

Rowling: "What ! Oh! Oops." Jokes aside, Draco is not Snape's son.

Who is Draco Malfoy’s boyfriend

Astoria GreengrassDraco Malfoy / Significant otherSnape's request, although ultimately ignored by Voldemort, is important not only because it points to how much he cares about Lily, but that, in those few seconds, he also inadvertently helps to save Harry's life, because if Lily wasn't given the option to save herself, the curse wouldn't have rebounded.Because she eventually accepted that Snape stood for everything that she despised. That despite all of his declarations of loyalty to her and his affection for her, Snape did care enough about her or himself to change his behavior for the better.

Draco Malfoy is one of the main antagonists from the Harry Potter series. A magical purist, school bully, and our titular hero's rival, Draco spends his time tormenting the Golden Trio and continuing to give his fellow Slytherins their bad name.

Did Narcissa Malfoy love her son : Narcissa adored her only child, Draco, and was very protective of him. She insisted he not attend the Durmstrang Institute because it was so far from home, and frequently sent him sweet and cake packages while during his first year at Hogwarts.

Who had a crush on Malfoy : Harry Potter had a few love interests during his time at Hogwarts. Though he eventually settled down with Ginny Weasley, he also had a thing for Cho Chang in his earlier school years. Then, of course, there's his secret love for Draco Malfoy… Wait, what

Did Draco actually like Harry

It's safe to assume that Draco's hatred of Harry was fueled by jealousy. Although Draco attempted to disguise his jealousy with confidence, it still makes an appearance throughout the franchise. Harry is an incredibly talented wizard – something which Draco greatly admired.

Malfoy hated all the attention Harry recieved . Malfoy thought Harry was a dark wizard, he tried to befriend Harry but he refused because of the way Malfoy treated Ron whom he already made friends with. That's why Malfoy hate Harry for turning him down.Summary. Snape's true intentions were revealed in the final Harry Potter installment, showing that he was never truly evil but was instead protecting Harry from Voldemort.

Why did Narcissa divorce Lucius : In fact, Lucius' own support to Voldemort is revealed to come only under some form of duress, which is likely Narcissa's Veela Allure. When Lucius turns on Voldemort due to the reveal of his Horcruxes, Narcissa divorces him, taking 75% of Malfoy's wealth with her.