Does Loki actually love Thor?
Loki's struggle with Trust

He enjoyed a close relationship with his mother and confessed on several occasions to loving his brother, Thor, but he never really trusted in Odin's love. He was forever trying to prove himself to his adoptive father, desiring to feel the love and esteem Odin showed for Thor.Some people utterly believe that Loki sacrificed himself for his brother's sake, and the truth is his actions and words alone were very telling: he loves Thor, he always has, and though both have had their disagreements and misadventures, they would without question die for each other in the end.Loki is Thor's adopted brother and the Asgardian god of mischief. In his younger years, he and Loki were very close and good friends, even if occasionally irritated by Loki's mischief. However, it is later revealed that Loki was often jealous of Thor even back then, and resented being left in his "shadow".

Did Loki ever love someone : Loki absolutely, without out a shred of doubt loves his mother. Many things can be said about him, but his heart do not lie. He loves Lady Freya. This is what happened when the child version of Loki asked Thor to kill him before he goes bad.

Did Odin love Thor

As Frigga stated, "everything he does, he does with a purpose." He loved Thor but when Thor went to Jotunheim and nearly started a war in the process, he exiled Thor to Earth, to teach him what it meant to be a good warrior and a hero, as well as to bolster his humility.

Is Loki jealous of Thor : Loki often hid a degree of jealousy that Thor was to become King, and felt that Odin perhaps favoured Thor over him. As Thor was always the center of attention, Loki found himself longing for a spotlight over the years, which manifested itself in extreme attention-seeking behaviour.

In the films, his most prominent relationships are with his family, notably his adoptive brother Thor (see: Thorki) and his adoptive mother, Queen Frigga. In his TV series, Loki and a female version of himself called Sylvie fall in love (see: Sylki) and their relationship becomes a prominent point of the show.

In his exile, Odin apparently thought over all the acts he had done and likely felt remorse over them, as he showed no hostility towards Loki and even noted Frigga would be proud of him. He also admitted that he truly loved both of his sons and expressed remorse for failing to stop Ragnarök.

Who is Loki in love with


In the films, his most prominent relationships are with his family, notably his adoptive brother Thor (see: Thorki) and his adoptive mother, Queen Frigga. In his TV series, Loki and a female version of himself called Sylvie fall in love (see: Sylki) and their relationship becomes a prominent point of the show.Head series writer Michael Waldron told that the love story at the heart of "Loki" made sense because the show is "ultimately about self-love, self-reflection, and forgiving yourself." While the show cheekily references the serendipity of Loki falling for himself — Agent Mobius, played by Owen Wilson, calls …Medlen of The Mary Sue ranked Jane Foster 1st in their "All of Thor's Love Interests in Marvel Comics" list and said, "Jane Foster is the one who Thor can't ever seem to quit. Their relationship started back when Thor was also Dr. Blake. Foster was his nurse, but eventually became more than that.

Jane Foster

1 Jane Foster

The love interest that is inescapable for Thor thanks to Marvel audiences, Jane Foster is arguably the love of the Asgardian's life. A caring, down-to-Earth mortal, Jane has had a fascinating character trajectory that rivals that of her partner.

Why is Loki so mad at Thor : Loki has changed role and aspect many times, but he is still mostly remembered as Thor's antithesis, his resentful adoptive brother who grew up to hate the God of Thunder. One of the reasons for Loki's bitterness is that Odin always favored his "real" son, Thor, during their childhood.

Is Thor older than Loki : Is Thor younger or elder to Loki Thor is older. This was the reason Odin named him heir to the Throne of Asgard.

Who is Loki’s favorite wife

Loki's third wife was his most devoted Sigyn who stayed with Loki through everything and gave birth to two sons whom the gods cruelly slain and the other turned into a wolf. Sigyn stayed by Loki to catch all the poison in a bowl so they would not drip onto Loki's face.

Upon learning his true parentage, Loki feels anger and betrayal for Odin's deception, believing the Allfather saw him as a monster never meant for the Asgardian throne. This fuels his unrelenting jealousy of Thor and feelings of inferiority.Oddly enough, it was here when Odin chose to forgive him when he saw Loki before his death. At this point, Odin even praised Loki for using an effective enchantment on him.

Did Loki fall in love with himself : Head series writer Michael Waldron told that the love story at the heart of "Loki" made sense because the show is "ultimately about self-love, self-reflection, and forgiving yourself." While the show cheekily references the serendipity of Loki falling for himself — Agent Mobius, played by Owen Wilson, calls …