Does Hulk not age?
In the modern Marvel Comics, The Grandmaster and the Hulk are BOTH immortal. Bruce Banner wouldn't know the difference locked away inside Hulk's mind, but Hulk's immortal hair turning to grey proves even his power has limits.The Jade Giant has been killed and resurrected so many times in his history that Marvel Comics has actually confirmed that the Hulk is immortal.Technically forever. Even though we've never seen it play out in the canon Earth-616, there are plenty of storylines where Hulk and Bruce are the last ones alive.

Is Hulk Immortal now : The Hulk is now immortal. His limbs and organs were removed and stored in jars, he still didn't die. Banner can die, and died in the excellent 'Hulk.

Which Hulk is immortal

As the Immortal Hulk

After Bruce Banner's death during Civil War II and subsequent resurrection during the events of Avengers: No Surrender, the Devil Hulk suppressed the rest of Banner's personalities and became the "dominant" Hulk.

What is the IQ of the Hulk : Hulk and Banner are two distinct entities. Banner remaining inside of Hulk doesn't change Hulk's IQ. Which Hulk If we're talking Savage Hulk, I'd put his IQ right around 99 on the Current “Wechsler IQ Classification” scale.


With a single blow, Hulk knocked out one of Thor's teeth and cracked his skull. With Thor out of the picture, Hulk easily fought off the rest of the Avengers until they unleashed an orbital weapon against him.

Having no absolute upper limit, the Hulk's super-strength is said to be infinite as he only grows stronger the angrier he becomes. Even at his calmest, he can lift a commercial airplane that weighs almost 100 tons.

What is Bruce Banner’s IQ

So in our terms, it is safe to estimate that Bruce Banner's IQ is at least a 160 or higher. Hard to say as it depends upon when (in time with respect to the comics, TV show, movies and MCU [movies and MCU are not the same]) and which Bruce Banner (actor portrayal, script, comics and MCU [new canon]).The Hulk has gone through a number of changes throughout the years, and his most recent transformation has granted the hero immortality. Despite being one of the strongest heroes in the Marvel Universe, Bruce Banner and his alternate personality, the Hulk, have been killed quite a few times.The Hulk, as he has been portrayed through most of his publication history, can be killed by someone with enough power to either overload his regeneration or simply wish him out of existence if they are powerful reality warpers (Hulk does have some resistance to reality warping) or if someone has a powerful artifact …

The Hulk, on the other hand, is often seen as a stupid, savage brute with a very limited vocabulary. While there have been versions of the Hulk with Banner's intelligence, most people still stereotype the Hulk as a big, dumb, green monster. Surprisingly, however, this is not true.

What is Batman’s IQ : In the comics he has an IQ of over 250. In simplest terms, he's Tony Stark, Reed Richards level intelligent. This is going to be a long answer, mostly scans to prove intelligence. Geoff Johns confirmed that Bruce Wayne is definitively the 2nd smartest person on Earth.

Can Thor hurt Hulk : So Blade can hurt Hulk with his katanas and Black Panther can cut his arm off with an energy dagger, but OF Thor can't obliterate Hulk with a Mjolnir strike or his lightning.

Can Hulk beat Thanos

Thanos and Hulk have clashed several times in Marvel lore, with Thanos even admitting he was scared to face the Hulk before acquiring the Infinity Stones. While Thanos is usually the victor, it's generally down to him using superior tactics and technology, rather than simply possessing greater physical strength.

Unlimited Strength: The Hulk possesses the capacity for essentially limitless physical strength. In proportion to his rage, it grows exponentially towards infinity without never really reaching it.Tony Stark's IQ is estimated at 270 which means that he is a super genius. Only 0.1% of the population comes close to that score. He has invented that many suits and also a new element was discovered by him.

Is Hulk immune to disease : Disease Immunity: The Hulk is completely invulnerable to all known Earth-based diseases and viruses, including AIDS. He can operate under intense conditions for prolonged periods of time due to his body not developing fatigue toxins quickly. Decelerated Aging: For all intents and purposes; the Hulk lives indefinitely.