Did Thanos smile at the end?
How does the movie end District 12's Lucy Gray Baird (Rachel Zegler) wins the Games — but not without repercussions for mentor Coriolanus, who broke some rules to ensure his beloved songbird makes it out alive. Sentenced to Peacekeeper duties, he requests to serve District 12 to reunite with his love.Upon hearing all this, Gamora mocked Thanos as heartless and uncaring, but Thanos, having truly loved Gamora as a daughter, shed tears that he would have to kill her.Indeed, during the time heist, 2014 Thanos witnesses the death of his 2019 self and proclaims, “And that is destiny”, choosing to embrace this vision when 2014 Thanos travels into 2019, where his last words are: “I am inevitable.” In some ways, Thanos dies what we might call a very good death.

Who was talking to Thanos at the end of Avengers : The Other

The mid-credits scene of The Avengers took place after Loki and the Chitauri's defeat and saw The Other approaching Thanos. The Other told the Mad Titan that humanity wasn't as weak as they were promised, as they “stand, they are unruly” and can't be ruled, warning Thanos that “to challenge them is to court death”.

What was Thanos thinking when he died

As 2014 Thanos says later in the movie, the fact that present-day Thanos was killed after finishing his mission is simply “destiny fulfilled.” Thanos likely sees himself as a martyr, fully willing to die for what he believes in, which makes his steely conviction to his cause all the more unsettling.

Does Thanos still love Death : Since his first appearance, the Mad Titan has been devoted to Mistress Death, even going as far as to wipe out half the universe's population for her. Now, in The Resurrection of Magneto #1, the full extent of Marvel's afterlife is revealed, and it puts Thanos' love of Death in a new context.

10 MCU Characters Who Could Have Beat Thanos (If They Didn't Die

  • 10 The Supreme Intelligence Possessed Immense Power And Resources.
  • 9 Odin Embodied The Full Might Of Asgard.
  • 8 Bor Proved Even More Powerful Than His Son, Odin.
  • 7 Hela Decimated Asgard Wielding The Power Of Hel.

Thanos eventually realizes that all the trouble he went for in the snap: Killing Gamora, Killing Asgard's population, and ruining lives, have been for nothing. Thanos commits to finding a solution to reverse the snap. He starts to repair the gauntlet and confronts the Avengers.

Is Thanos happy at the end of Infinity War

He isn't a natural killer and doesn't even kill the Avengers in Infinity War unless it is absolutely necessary. He is doing this because it is what he believes is the only way for the universe to continue, so when the snap has its desired effect, Thanos feels nothing but satisfaction.Thanos lives the happy, peaceful life he always should have. It's an unexpected answer to a "What If" few Marvel fans ever actually asked.By the time Infinity War comes around, he's gathering the Infinity Stones so he can do it himself and prove his theory right. He was ultimately victorious, devastating MCU heroes and fans alike (except for Bradley Cooper) in the process, which is why Thanos is smiling in Infinity War's final shot.

As the entity reveals to Thanos that their energies merged when he was resurrected, creating an offspring called the Rot. Death and Thanos work together to destroy their offspring, and it is at this time that Death finally addresses Thanos and admits to feeling "love" for him.

Who was Thanos true love : Death is predominantly depicted as a skeleton cloaked in a black or purple robe, and at times appears as a Caucasian human female. A storyline in the title Captain Marvel showcases Thanos' scheme to conquer the universe, as the character becomes determined to prove his love for Death by destroying all life.

Could Thanos beat Odin : Who would win in an MCU fight: Odin or Thanos Without the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos stands little chance against Prime Odin. Odin is stated to be able to shatter the Earth.

Can Zeus beat Thanos

As Skyfather of Olympus, Zeus wields power comparable to Odin, whose wrath Thanos has withstood but not bested. At the same time, Zeus cannot truly die. While the most powerful of Olympians can be badly wounded or even dismembered, he can never actually pass on into oblivion.

9 Odin Embodied The Full Might Of Asgard

With Odin still ruling Asgard, Thanos would have easily been stopped had he made a play for the Infinity Gauntlet. Odin himself had once sought the Infinity Gauntlet, and would therefore be attuned to any other individuals attempting to follow in his footsteps.So while Zeus' best feat is defeating a mountain-sized monster, Odin's best feat is defeating a monster as big as nine worlds. Odin outclasses Zeus in intelligence, versatility, strength, and weapons. Zeus simply can't compete. The winner is Odin, All-Father of the Æsir.

Did Thanos fear Odin : Thanos Feared an Attack From Odin and He Might Have Been Planning One. However, it's possible that Odin kept his kids in the dark because he was preparing to take on Thanos all along.