Did Germany ever recover from WW2?
Several factors contributed to German recovery after World War II, although one stands out: American aid. American forces helped the country by implementing necessary economic and political reforms and cultivating a working business environment in West Germany.A Divided Germany

After the Potsdam conference, Germany was divided into four occupied zones: Great Britain in the northwest, France in the southwest, the United States in the south and the Soviet Union in the east. Berlin, the capital city situated in Soviet territory, was also divided into four occupied zones.Upon British insistence, France joined Great Britain and the United States in the occupation of West Germany and West Berlin, while the Soviet Union managed the affairs of East Germany and East Berlin.

How did WWII affect Germany : Over the next 3 years: 61 German cities, with a combined population of 25 million, were attacked; 3.6 million homes were destroyed; 7.5 million people were made homeless; 300,000 – 400,000 Germans were killed in the raids; and 800,000 people were wounded.

Did Japan apologize after WWII

August 15, 2020: At a memorial ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II and the war dead, Emperor Naruhito expressed "deep remorse" over Japan's wartime past and he stated "I earnestly hope that the ravages of war will never again be repeated".

Does Germany teach about WWII : Learning about the Holocaust is mandatory in all German schools.

Many Germans who survived World War II had supported Hitler and the Nazi race ideology that led to the murder of 6 million Jews in Europe — and they were devastated by the downfall of the Third Reich.

What caused the so-called miracle The two main factors were currency reform and the elimination of price controls, both of which happened over a period of weeks in 1948. A further factor was the reduction of marginal tax rates later in 1948 and in 1949.

Who is Germany’s closest ally

Today, the US is one of Germany's closest allies and partners outside of the European Union.As the generation that elected Adolf Hitler and fought his genocidal war dies away, most Germans today see World War II through the prism of guilt, responsibility and atonement. And almost all agree that the defeat of the Nazis was a good thing.Prime Minister Shinzo Abe did not apologize, but conceded Japan “must never repeat the horrors of war again.” Seventy-five years after Japan's surprise attack, Abe and President Barack Obama peered down Tuesday at the rusting wreckage of the USS Arizona, clearly visible in the tranquil, teal water.

Japan teaches WWII as two different wars: the Greater East Asian War and the Pacific War. This basically poses the fundamental problem with Japanese war memory in that it disconnects the reason for the war with America from its root cause, Japan's aggression in Asia.

How do Germans today feel about WWII : As the generation that elected Adolf Hitler and fought his genocidal war dies away, most Germans today see World War II through the prism of guilt, responsibility and atonement. And almost all agree that the defeat of the Nazis was a good thing.

Who did the German army soldiers fear the most : By 1944, they feared US artillery barrages, Partisans, the Soviet Katyusha's rocket launchers, Allied airpower, US Destroyers equipped with sonar, Halifax and B-24 Liberator Submarine Hunters, the Soviet T-34, and the Red Army which was out for massive, horrible, bloody revenge.

How much did WWII cost Germany

World War Two Financial Cost

Country Billions USD
Germany $ 270.000
Soviet Union $ 192.000
China $ 190.000
United Kingdom $ 120.000

In particular, the export of motor vehicles and parts as well as chemical products make Germany the third-largest exporting nation in the world. The service sector contributes the largest share to the country's GDP, accounting for 70%.Most German fans consider the Netherlands or Italy to be their traditional footballing rivals, and as such, usually the rivalry is not taken quite as seriously there as it is in England. The English and German national football teams have played each other since the end of the 19th century, and officially since 1930.

What is Germany’s best friend : France is Germany's closest and most important partner in Europe. There is no other country with which we coordinate so regularly and intensively at all political levels and in all areas.