Did Dumbledore ever really care for Harry?
He considered it a flaw in his plan and he never expected it, but he did end up caring for Harry. It made it difficult for Dumbledore. He had to fight his own morality and ethics knowing it was the only way to beat Voldemort, and he ultimately sacrificed his own life for that cause as well.Grindelwald

"I always saw Dumbledore as gay," Rowling said in response to a fan question about Dumbledore's love life. "Dumbledore fell in love with Grindelwald" and was "blinded" by it.Dumbledore knew that Harry would survive and didn't set him up for death, as earlier clues in the series hinted at his understanding of Harry's destiny. Harry's survival against Voldemort's Killing Curse revealed that Dumbledore knew all along that the Boy Who Lived was never in true danger.

Was Harry Dumbledore’s favorite : Even with all his faults and toxic tendencies towards Harry, there is no doubt that the Chosen One was Dumbledore's favorite student and someone he felt close to.

Why is Dumbledore so nice to Harry

Dumbledore knew that nothing bound the soul more surely than love — a lesson he sought to teach Harry throughout his life — and so he used Harry's love for him as a weapon just as he used Snape's love for Lily to persuade him to do his bidding.

Did Snape love Harry : In the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movie, Snape showed how much he loved Harry, providing him with his memories and showing that he saw Lily in him, his last words echoing this: "You have your mother's eyes."

One of the most famous revelations about Dumbledore after the books were published was that he was actually in love with Gellert Grindelwald. J.K. Rowling said: 'Dumbledore fell in love with Grindelwald, and that added to his horror when Grindelwald showed himself to be what he was…

10 Severus Snape

Despite her rejection of him when they were kids, Snape remained loyal to Lily and out of his undying love for her and became the most essential player in the game to take down the Dark Lord. Risking his life countless times, his loyalty to Dumbledore never wavered.

When did Dumbledore realize Harry was a horcrux

He probably got to know Harry was a Horcrux when he saw the Scar on Harry's forehead, but maybe he wasn't sure. Then, when Harry came to Hogwarts and Dumbledore got to know he can speak Parseltongue his thought of him being a Horcrux got stronger.But yes, we also must concede that Dumbledore's character was not a paragon of morality. He had made many mistakes in his youth, made several wrong decisions, especially with his family, kept a lot of secrets regarding his true identity and background, and perhaps once upon a time he had also lusted for power.This made Harry's final conversation with Dumbledore all the more important. It revealed to Harry what he needed to do next and allowed the headmaster to make amends.

Lily Only Ever Saw Snape As A Friend

As much as people romanticize Snape's infatuation with Lily, the fact she did not love him back romantically is ignored. The fact Snape and Lily were only friends, and she only saw it as such, reveals a lot about his refusal to respect her boundaries.

Did Snape care for Harry or just Lily : The biggest indicator that Severus Snape cared for Harry Potter was his eternal love for Harry's mother, Lily. And the strong feelings that Snape felt for Harry's mother carried on with his feelings towards Harry. Harry resembled so much of his mother's personality, as well as her physical appearance.

Did Dumbledore ever love again : Even though he hid his sexuality well, when you read the books you do geta few hidden hints. Dumbledore never trusted himself to love again after the way his friendship with Grindelwald ended.

Who is Albus love interest

Why didn't Albus Dumbledor have a love interest According to Rowling, he fell in love with Grindelwald, and as a result the death of his sister, and the revelation that Grindelwald was a psychopath, shocked him so much that he Never Loved Again.

Hagrid. He was ride or die for Harry since he was a baby, and never faltered or waivers in his support of Harry. i'm not sure hermione is as unwaveringly loyal to harry personally as she is to the cause he represents.As illustrated in many memes showing his character, Sirius truly cared for Harry and thus was a staunch supporter of his godson. He died fighting for him and will always be remembered as Harry's most dependable pillar.

Did Voldemort realize Harry was a Horcrux : Notably, Voldemort appeared to be entirely unaware of this split, as he later created a seventh Horcrux in his quest to have six, and continued to target Harry Potter despite him now holding part of Voldemort's own soul.