Did Baldurs Gate make profit?
The developer is moving away from D&D. At a Game Developers Conference (GDC) panel today, Larian Studios founder Swen Vincke dropped something of a bombshell by revealing that the developer isn't planning to release any expansions or DLC for Baldur's Gate 3, nor a Baldur's Gate 4.Baldur's Gate 3 sold more than 2.5 million copies during its early access phase. Sales surpassed Larian's expectations, as well as those of Microsoft when considering the Xbox release. By February 26, 2024 the game had sold upwards of 10 million copies, according to the Director of Publishing at Larian.Fortunately, Baldur's Gate was unharmed from the effects of the blue fire that rained from the sky. As it was known throughout Faerûn as an "open city", the Gate became a haven for a great number of refugees that fled the destruction that wracked the lands around the Sea of Fallen Stars.

Is Baldurs Gate 4 coming : No. Studio founder Swen Vincke announced as much this March, during a talk at the Game Developers Conference. “We're not going to make Baldur's Gate 4, which everybody is expecting us to do,” Vincke said. “We're going to move on, we're going to move away from D&D, and we're going to start making a new thing.”

Is Baldur’s Gate 3 a AAA game

BG3 is a AAA game, and its developer is an indie dev, so both. Originally posted by DDkiki: They are pretty rare phenomenon of a large, but still Independent studio, producing AAA games. So answer is – both.

Will there be a Baldur’s Gate 4 : No. Studio founder Swen Vincke announced as much this March, during a talk at the Game Developers Conference. “We're not going to make Baldur's Gate 4, which everybody is expecting us to do,” Vincke said. “We're going to move on, we're going to move away from D&D, and we're going to start making a new thing.”


Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast. Black Isle Studios. ↑ Ed Greenwood (2023-09-20). Balduran Was Human (Tweet).

Larian Studios will no longer work on Baldur's Gate 3, confirms they're not making expansions or sequels. “I thought they were going to be angry at me because I just couldn't muster the energy.

Why did Larian quit BG3

In an interview with IGN at GDC 2024, Vincke revealed Larian began work on Baldur's Gate 3 DLC and even gave some thought to a potential Baldur's Gate 4 before pivoting away to other projects because the team was "going through the motions." "You could see the team was doing it because everyone felt like we had to do …We are now just under eight months past launch here, as Baldur's Gate 3 arrived on August 3, 2023. Its all-time peak was 875,343 concurrent players, one of Steam's best, but the more impressive figure is that it is still putting up around 140,000 or so players every weekend, barely dipping below 100,000 on weekdays.BG3 launched on PC through Steam and GOG and sold 5.2 million copies on Steam alone. Interestingly, the full-priced early access version sold 2.5 million copies, comprising 48% of total Steam sales so far.

$100 million

Baldur's Gate 3's budget was $100 million, compared to Pillars of Eternity 2's $4.4 million. Obsidian Entertainment released Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire in May 2018, and it hasn't given any news of another sequel to the Pillars series ever since.

Was Balduran a mind flayer : However, he disappeared on his second voyage there, with numerous legends and accounts of his ultimate fate. In life, he was nicknamed Baldur, which he liked enough to use for business until it was commonly taken to be his real name. He was later transformed into a manipulative mind flayer known as the Emperor.

How old is Balduran BG3 : Even if we assume that Balduran was turned into a Mind Flayer at the last possible second of his natural life, he would have only made it to the 1300s at the latest, and not to 1492 when the events of BG3 takes place – meaning that Balduran/Emperor lived nearly 500 years.

Is Baldur’s Gate 4 canceled

Larian themselves have confirmed that they have no plans of expanding BG3 with DLC or to make BG4. Originally posted by Chaosolous: It was never planned. Huh, pretty sad for a game like Baldurs Gate 3.

No. Studio founder Swen Vincke announced as much this March, during a talk at the Game Developers Conference. “We're not going to make Baldur's Gate 4, which everybody is expecting us to do,” Vincke said. “We're going to move on, we're going to move away from D&D, and we're going to start making a new thing.”No. Studio founder Swen Vincke announced as much this March, during a talk at the Game Developers Conference. “We're not going to make Baldur's Gate 4, which everybody is expecting us to do,” Vincke said.

Will Baldur’s Gate 3 ever be finished : As reported by PC Gamer, Larian CEO Swen Vincke stated during an address at GDC today that the studio is finished with Baldur's Gate 3. That means it won't be getting any expansions nor will it be making a Baldur's Gate 4. "We are a company of big ideas.