Could Rock Lee beat Naruto?
Since Naruto mainly relies on ninjutsu, Meliodas can easily beat him. In fact, no matter how much damage Naruto causes, Meliodas could always use Full Counter and knock him out easily.While Sasuke had the power of the Rinnegan, along with nine Tailed Beasts that he had captured, Naruto had just half of Kurama within him. Despite that, he was able to keep up with Sasuke and even defeat him eventually, as evident from when Sasuke admitted to having lost to him in the end.Taking Naruto's different Modes into consideration, he'd be the clear winner during a battle with Luffy. It's likely that Naruto would be stronger and more powerful than anything Luffy has ever had to face in the world of One Piece, with Luffy's current Gear 5 paling in comparison.

Can Goku beat Naruto : The simplest answer, according to many animanga fans, is yes. Sure, Goku might not have Naruto's Tailed Beast Chakra and all the jutsu he happens to cumulate, but he has Zenkai and Hakai. One cannot forget that these techniques have the potential to destroy the realm of space and time.

Can Naruto defeat Goku

Goku has proven himself to be an incredibly great fighter and he would definitely put up a difficult fight. Both characters hate to lose and would probably become fast friends if they were not forced to fight. However, Naruto has proven himself to be the better overall fighter.

Can Gear 5 beat Goku : Luffy's Gear Fifth Is Strong, But It Can't Beat Goku Yet

On the other hand, the name Goku is synonymous with "prodigy." He's a certified martial arts master from an alien planet, which gives him a slew of perks Luffy doesn't have access to. His alien features enhance his combat abilities and increase his durability.

He can now use an advanced form of Conqueror's Haki to infuse his swords with great power, but even this ability cannot beat Naruto. Sage Mode would make landing a sword strike very difficult, and it is hard to believe that Zoro would be able to cut through Naruto's Tailed Beast Mode.

Not by any chance. Goku is one of the most powerful anime character and Kakashi is not even in top 50 powerful characters. The only advantage Kakashi have is more intelligence than Goku. But it will not matter if he's going against an anime God.

Can Saitama beat Naruto

Shonen Jump heroes are generally known for their ridiculous strength; however, One-Punch Man's Saitama is on a completely different level. Renowned for being able to end almost any fight in one punch, he just might be able to defeat Naruto — or any other shonen protagonist — in a one-on-one fight.Goku is incredibly powerful. Pre Super Saiyan Goku might be a big challenge for Madara. But at a level of Super Saiyan or higher Madara is no match for Goku. The short answer is Goku wins , in practically every scenario and against all the characters in Naruto verse .Like many battles in anime, the strongest fighter doesn't always win. Under some extraordinary circumstances, Luffy's Gear 5 could potentially beat Naruto's Baryon Mode. However, Baryon Mode is stronger and faster than what fans have seen of Gear 5 so far.

Even if Goku was able to use his highest form of power, Saitama's one-punch certainty means a fight wouldn't last for long. If we are to take Saitama's power and accuracy at face value, it almost doesn't matter who his opponent is — he would win outright.

Can 10 Tails Madara beat Goku : The ten tails, can cast a genjutsu reflection off the moon, being easily able to manipulate Goku. Goku, in no way, would be able to survive a genjutsu cast upon him. A Uchiha member like Madara could easily beat Goku, with his visual prowess alone.

Can Madara beat Luffy : No way Luffy beats edo Madara. Between wood clones, susanoo, the 6 paths, Limbo, and even genjutsu, Luffy literally would not be able to touch Madara, let alone kill him. Actually, even in sheer experience hand to hand, Madara vastly outclasses Luffy.

Can Madara beat Saitama

There isn't a contest. Madara wins. While Saitama is strong, it's unlikely that his strength would be enough to harm Madara.

Goku is already a master of many abilities and operates at a much higher level than Luffy at his most powerful. While Luffy's Gear Fifth abilities are indeed impressive, they are not equal to Goku's decades of training.Goku will go through the portal faster than kaguya and destroy the dimension. So goku>>> kaguya. Technically, yes.

Can Itachi defeat Goku : Itachi would probably lose to Goku in strict hand-to-hand combat, although he could hold his own for a while, but Itachi's true strength lies in his non-physical capabilities.