Can I play a Death Knight in Wotlk Classic?
There are some limitations on creating a Death Knight on a Classic Progression realm. Below are the details: You may only have one Death Knight per realm. Before you can create a Death Knight on a specific realm, you must have an existing level 55 character on the same realm.Make sure you automatically attack all the time.

  1. Spread and sustain plagues with Icy Touch and Plague Strike;
  2. Use Pestilence to spread plagues in any situation where you are fighting more than one target;
  3. Use Blood Boil as the main recipient of Blood Runes against up to two targets.

Masters of death, fortified by blood and frost, these former champions of the Lich King are the first new class added to World of Warcraft. Death Knights are a hero class, meaning they start at a higher level, in this case level 55.

Can you boost a death knight in Wotlk Classic : LIMITATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS

The boost cannot be used on a Death Knight. You can only purchase the Northrend Heroic once per World of Warcraft account.

What is the hardest class to play in Wotlk Classic

Feral Druid

Feral is definitely one of our hardest classes to play in Wrath of the Lich King. The reason is that Feral is constantly maintaining so many different things. You're keeping up Faerie Fire, Mangle, Rake, and Savage Roar as often as you can.

Can I transfer a character from classic to Wotlk Classic : Note that although Character Transfer is now available for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic, characters cannot be transferred between Wrath of the Lich King Classic and World of Warcraft or WoW Classic. Other restrictions apply. See the Support article for full details.

Unholy Death Knight is in a very good position throughout the lifespan of WotLK, with very strong base abilities that make them powerful at the start of the expansion, and competitive scaling into the later tiers of the expansion, Unholy stays desirable until the very end.

Fortunately, there is no wrong answer here — all Death Knight specializations are strong throughout Wrath of the Lich King.

Do Death Knights still start at 55

Despite removing that requirement, Death Knights still start at level 55, which meant players could create new accounts, start as Death Knight and jump right into the Wrath of the Lich King expansion endgame content much quicker and farm high-level resources.While all three specs are technically able to be played in a Tank role, Blood is considered to be the strongest due to its immense amount of self healing and its ability to scale better with gear than either of the other two specs.Orc is considered the best race for Unholy Death Knights for overall/trash damage, and for fights that drag out, both through Blood Fury providing essentially a free DPS trinket, the free expertise during the later half of the expansion, and the increased damage for your summoned pets.

Unlocking the Death Knight

Previously, for any players to unlock the first hero class, the Death Knight, a character of level 55 or above on any server was required.

What is the most overpowered class in WotLK : 1. Paladin. s are one of the most powerful classes in all of Wrath of the Lich King. Holy Paladins are arguably the best healers, capable of both tank healing and raid healing thanks to potent AOE heals such as Glyph of Holy Light and Beacon of Light.

What is the most fun solo class in WotLK : The hunter remains the best class for solo content in Wrath due to its easy learning curve, unique class content, and unmatched ability to face down single target mobs thanks to its pet.

Can I use my old character in WoW Classic

It is not possible to transfer a character between Modern WoW, WoW Classic, and Wrath of the Lich King Classic.

thank you. They are seperate versions. Classic era, which is vanilla, is permanent. It's not going anywhere, it's not going to turn into TBC, or WOTLK, or anything.And in no particular. Order farrell is definitely one of our hardest classes to play in wrath of the lich. King. Now the reason being of course is because farrell is constantly maintaining.

What is the hardest spec to play in wrath : Feral

Feral, hardest spec to play to be the worst DPS – Wrath of the Lich King Classic Discussion – World of Warcraft Forums.