Can cap lift Hulk?
8 Hulk. In Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America #4, Spider-Man squares off against the Rhino, and beats him thanks to a memory he recalls of Cap beating the Hulk. With just his fists (plus a bit of assistance from Spidey), Captain America took down the Green Goliath with nothing but his fists and shield.2 octillion tons

The Hulk Can Break The World

If the star's weight was equivalent to the weight of Sol, the Hulk is capable of lifting 2 octillion tons.absolutely no upper limit

The answer; there isn't one. The amazing thing about the Hulk is that unlike nearly every other superhero ever created, the Hulk's strength has absolutely no upper limit. He can lift a commercial airplane – which weighs around 100 tons – when he is at his calmest; that's no problem for him.

Is Captain America as strong as Hulk : With the ability to smash through virtually anything, Captain America would be at a significant disadvantage against the Hulk's brute force. Even Cap's shield, one of his most powerful weapons, would likely be no match for the Hulk's raw power.

Who can beat Hulk easily

Summary. Thanos easily beats Hulk 1 on 1 without using the Infinity Stone in Avengers: Infinity War. Captain America is stronger than Hulk, having successfully undergone a super-soldier serum transformation. Thor is proven stronger than Hulk in battles, showcasing superior strategic prowess and strength.

Can Cap beat Thanos : Captain America (Sam Wilson)

He might not be the most likely amongst the Avengers to defeat Thanos, though. Non-powered humans like Black Widow and Hawkeye could compete with the Mad Titan, but in the end he's too strong. Sam has the advantage of his wings giving him an aerial dimension to the battle.

He can punch his way through dimensions. Lifted a 150 billion ton mountain range. Can shatter a mountain in a single blow. Lifted an entire castle, then destroyed it.

In one instance, he lifts up one of the Abrams and swings it in 3 full circular revolutions before finally releasing it into the sky. Interestingly and miraculously, the troop inside the tank survives the entire ordeal.

Is Hulks Strength infinite

The Hulk's uttermost potential is indeed infinite, with no finite element inside. This statement has been endorsed by the cosmic entity Stranger, who deduced that Hulk's capacity for strength is, for all practical purposes, unlimited.Lifted a 150 billion ton mountain range. Can shatter a mountain in a single blow. Lifted an entire castle, then destroyed it. Briefly lifted and threw Mjolnir.Putting it all together, Thor can win against the Hulk, even if he can't kill the Jade Giant. Hulk is practically immortal and has unlimited reserves of strength and stamina, so he can keep fighting forever. Thor's endurance, while godly, is not limitless, so he will eventually lose a prolonged battle.

Hulk's sheer power might be unrivaled, but his lack of strategy has led to defeats by clever heroes and villains alike. Despite being an unstoppable force, powerful beings like Namor, Wolverine, Iron Man, and Deadpool have managed to outsmart and defeat the Hulk.

Can Thor easily beat Hulk : Putting it all together, Thor can win against the Hulk, even if he can't kill the Jade Giant. Hulk is practically immortal and has unlimited reserves of strength and stamina, so he can keep fighting forever. Thor's endurance, while godly, is not limitless, so he will eventually lose a prolonged battle.

Can Thor beat Cap : Captain America may well be one of the greatest fighters in the Marvel Universe, but even years of combat experience and an unbreakable shield can't match Thor when it comes to sheer power.

Can Cap beat batman

Aside from enhanced strength and speed, Cap also gained enhanced reflexes — enough to dodge bullets from point-blank range. While Batman, though more reflexive than an average human, just wouldn't cut it in the reflexes department. In a Batman vs Captain America reflex-combat, America would take the win.

The Hulk's uttermost potential is indeed infinite, with no finite element inside. This statement has been endorsed by the cosmic entity Stranger, who deduced that Hulk's capacity for strength is, for all practical purposes, unlimited.There's no question the Hulk is a near-indestructible force who comes out on top in almost all of his battles of pure strength. However, against Superman, he's outmatched. While Hulk's strength might rival that of the Man of Steel, Superman's other abilities give him a considerable edge against his opponent.

How heavy can Thor lift : Thor's strength is classified as Class 100, which means he can lift well over 100 tons without too much difficulty. This is the same strength class as the Hulk, and it is said that Thor can even lift the Hulk with one hand.