Can Batman beat Captain America?
Captain America, hands down. While Batman is the peak of human strength (barring someone like a Mark Henry), he is just a human being.The Hulk's strength is unmatched in the Marvel universe, and even the most powerful superheroes struggle to stand up against him. As an Avenger who can defeat Captain America, the Hulk's incredible power and invincibility would make him a formidable opponent in any battle.We've seen these two clash before, but with the clock ticking, Spider-Man uses his powers to take Cap's shield and smash him into a wall with it! He's gone before the fight can continue, but this seems like a pretty solid indication that any battle between them would ultimately see Steve Rogers bested by Peter.

Can Thor beat Captain America : Thor is, again, the God of thunder, so his powers are basically unmatchable. In summary, no. Chances are that Captain America won't be able to fight and successfully beat Thor, even with the Mjolnir. Thor is much stronger than Cap, even if he is a super soldier.

Can Batman beat any Avenger

In fact, Batman is known for his ability to take down teams all by himself. The Avengers is one of the most formidable teams in any comic universe, combining powerful heroes, great leadership, and more to take down all kinds of powerful foes. However, that doesn't mean they're unbeatable.

Can Batman beat all Avengers : Yes he can. It's Batman we're talking about the same guy that shot darkside, the same guy who went toe to toe with Superman. Batman can literally kill the one above all if he was given enough hours of prep time. If Batman has enough prep time he could beat all of the avengers.

In the ultimate series, Captain America defeated the Hulk in a fight by avoiding his punches and striking his joints and pressure points. Meaning Cap in this series has enough strength to punch into Hulk's muscles. This Cap can definitely take a hit from Hulk and survive.

Despite being an unstoppable force, powerful beings like Namor, Wolverine, Iron Man, and Deadpool have managed to outsmart and defeat the Hulk. From fellow superheroes to average soldiers, various characters, including Hawkeye and even Batman, have successfully taken down the Hulk.

Can Captain America beat Hulk

While Captain America is hardly considered one of Marvel's most powerful heroes, he has performed many feats that go above and beyond the scope of his superpowers, including his defeat of a rampaging Hulk using only his fists (and a little help from Spider-Man)."Spider-Man would beat Deadpool. Easily. Because Deadpool loves Spider-Man, and therefore could never bring himself truly to hurt Spider-Man. Spider-Man would take Deadpool down, but still visit him both in the hospital and later in prison.Although he is an extremely skilled marksman, Clint Barton is often considered to be the weakest member of the team seeing as he's just a regular guy with a bow and arrow. That certainly means that Hawkeye one of the weakest Avengers.

If powers are considered then, thor by huge margin. He is not someone like superman who can be scared by kryptonite. So, prepration plan goes into dustbin. He could just give a tough fight by using hellbat armour or Batman beyond suit.

Who wins Batman or Thanos : Thanos exists in a realm Batman could not even concieve of. Batmans armours are not as good as Iron Man, he is equal in fighting skill to Captain America and they were easily defeated. Unless you think he can “detective the hell out of Thanos” it's quite obviously no.

Who Batman can’t beat : Swamp Thing and Batman have faced off and the same thing always happens. Batman can't stop him. Sure, he can destroy one of Swamp Thing's bodies, but that's not going to destroy Swamp Thing. He can just make another one.

Who all can beat Batman

Wolverine or Cap. Both have as much if not more fighting experience than Batman, operate above peak human physical performance, have equivalent plot armor, and have actual superpowers to boot. Batman would have to immobilize Wolverine with a giant magnet.

Captain America (Sam Wilson)

He might not be the most likely amongst the Avengers to defeat Thanos, though. Non-powered humans like Black Widow and Hawkeye could compete with the Mad Titan, but in the end he's too strong. Sam has the advantage of his wings giving him an aerial dimension to the battle.13 People Who Beat Batman

  • Superman. On the occasions when Batman is not prepared to fight him with good ol' kryptonite or a robotic suit, he has whipped him.
  • Prometheus. The guy has overthrown the entire Justice League including Batman.
  • Deathstroke.
  • Court of Owls.
  • Hush.
  • Wonder Woman.
  • Lady Shiva.
  • Jason Todd.

Can Hulk beat Thanos : Thanos and Hulk have clashed several times in Marvel lore, with Thanos even admitting he was scared to face the Hulk before acquiring the Infinity Stones. While Thanos is usually the victor, it's generally down to him using superior tactics and technology, rather than simply possessing greater physical strength.