Are ninjas more skilled than samurai?
In rugged terrain, or in the mountain area, the ninja group may win. The ninja has better survival skills as a small group. If it is a large-group fight, the samurai can easily win. The ninja and the samurai usually collaborated.And the ninja. Well in an even. Fight a samurai would win almost every single time because they have access to higher quality weapons. And armor but the ninja. With no rules would be able to sneakBut despite the low weight, ninjas were extremely strong. Especially on their fingers was a focus in their hard training, because they needed to climb stone walls of castles with their bare hands. Therefore, a ninja had to acquire the techniques of what we call “free climbing” or “parkour” today.

Did ninjas and samurai work together : Many Samurai, as well as members of society in that era, looked down upon Ninjas. They were often reviled are as dishonorable scum. Now despite this level of disdain, Samurai often employed Ninjas to handle tasks they felt to be beneath them.

Would a samurai beat a Viking

Take the samurai and Viking, for example. “My prediction was that the samurai would have cut the Viking to pieces,” he said. “But it turns out that Viking chain mail armor was very effective at dispersing the impact of the samurai katana, which was a slashing weapon. The Viking took him.”

Can a samurai beat a soldier : a kanabo could do some serious damage but other than that the samurai is going to get rekt by bullets before he can even get within 7 feet of the modern day soldier.

Who Were the Ninja Some of the ninja leaders, or jonin, were disgraced samurai like Daisuke Togakure that had lost in battle or had been renounced by their daimyo but fled rather than committing ritual suicide. However, most ordinary ninjas were not from the nobility.

Some ninjas weren't fighters at all while others were capable of fighting, but because of the nature of their missions, they often weren't as well armed as samurai or ashigaru. So really their main weakness is just lack of weapons and armor (with exceptions).

How skilled were real ninjas

Since they served as mercenaries and spies, ninjas needed to be especially adept at disguise and subterfuge. And while popularly depicted as trained assassins, they were more likely to marshal skills of stealth, distraction and counterintelligence than to kill.Sneaky ninja predecessors probably existed as far back as the late Heian Period too. However, the shinobi, as a specially trained group of mercenaries from the villages of Iga and Koga, only appeared in the fifteenth century – making them a good five hundred years younger than the samurai.While a shogun may have been a samurai at one point, a shogun was at the top of Japan's military while the samurai were a caste of elite soldiers. In this way, shoguns have much more power than samurai.

The heavy armor worn by knights could be cumbersome and tiring to wear, especially in hot weather, which could slow them down in combat. This would make them vulnerable to fast-moving opponents like samurai, who could use their speed and agility to outmaneuver them.

Could a Viking beat a samurai : Take the samurai and Viking, for example. “My prediction was that the samurai would have cut the Viking to pieces,” he said. “But it turns out that Viking chain mail armor was very effective at dispersing the impact of the samurai katana, which was a slashing weapon. The Viking took him.”

Would a samurai beat a knight : Both groups were skilled warriors who had their unique weapons, armor, and tactics. It would be impossible to definitively determine who would win in a hypothetical clash between medieval knights and Japanese samurai due to the significant differences in time and place that separated the two cultures.

Did samurai hate shinobi

Although they were considered the anti-samurai and were disdained by those belonging to the samurai class, they were necessary for warfare and were even employed by the samurai themselves to carry out operations that were forbidden by bushidō.

The most recognizable (according to Hollywood) role of the shinobi was committing assassinations. However, more often, they acted as spies, arsonists, and saboteurs, and they committed many other acts of subterfuge against their enemies.Ninjas had to be very quiet when walking and often trained by walking on the sand and gravel to test their silent and trace-less walking skills. They had 3 main principles when walking. Lower your body to the ground by bending your knees, if you stand tall you are more likely to be spotted.

Is ninja a bad guy : Ninjas or Shinobi (Kunoichi for females) are characters who practice martial arts and can be both Heroes and Villains. When Villains they frequently serve as minions of bigger villains, also being assassins, mercenaries, spies, saboteurs and enforcers. They are possibly the opposite of samurais.