Are INFJ strong?
Can INFJs be strong Yes, INFJ is considered one of the strongest personality types of all the 16 MBTI personalities with their mental and cognitive abilities.Why are INFJs so Intense The INFJ personality strives to get the big picture before moving forward. They often get involved in deep thinking about the purpose of life and how to improve everyone's wellbeing and help people find their potential.INFJ Strengths

Insightful – People with the INFJ personality type (Advocates) know all too well that appearances can be misleading. These personalities strive to move beyond superficiality and seek out the deeper truths in life.

Why are INFJ so special : The INFJ personality type is something special in our society. Their deep empathy, heartfelt compassion, boundless creativity, unwavering integrity and pure idealism make them a treasure to have around.

Are INFJs brave

The Advocate (INFJ) Stereotype

It might surprise some readers to discover where Advocates fell on a research poll that stated, “You consider yourself a brave person.” While a majority (59%) of Advocates agreed with this statement, the average rate of endorsement among all respondents was 74%.

Is INFJ a good leader : If you're an INFJ, you likely have a natural talent for leadership. Your introspective nature, solid intuition, and deep understanding of human emotions allow you to connect with others meaningfully and inspire them to achieve great things.

In Short. INFJs are attractive because we understand people so well. We have a powerful intuition that allows us to dive into our partner's personality and understand them better than they understand themselves.

You'll have trouble finding friends because you feel too different from others, you wonder about your purpose in life and your future and you tend to overlook things that others don't. Not all INFJS have a hard life because they chose to embrace their unique personality rather than feeling like it's a curse.

Is INFJ good or bad

INFJs tend to be creative and imaginative, qualities that make their personalities stand out. They enjoy finding solutions in all aspects of life, and their imagination can help them see a deeper meaning in many things. They are passionate about using their creativity to help others, too.What is attractive about INFJs They're deep thinkers, but also good at gauging how much their listeners understand; this makes them really good conversationalists. They're original thinkers with extremely interesting minds. They are (sometimes) outstanding listeners.These Introverts value the people in their lives, and they worry about losing friends and family more than most other personality types do. Perhaps consequently, Advocates are also slightly less likely than most to show their fear to others.

The ENTP Myers-Briggs personality type is most fearless.

Is INFJ a dominant : Dominant: Introverted Intuition

People with an INFJ personality type are dominant in introverted intuition. This means: INFJs tend to be highly focused on their internal insights.

How smart is INFJ : INFJs are quite intelligent- intellectually and emotionally. They are wise and can appear as know-it-alls. This makes others perceive them as egoistic or prideful. They have high Extroverted Feeling and are often called social chameleons.

Who is attracted to INFJs

For sex, INFJs are most compatible with the ISTP and ESTJ personality types. For platonic friendships they tend to gravitate more towards other intuitive types, particularly the other intuition-dominant types (ENTP, ENFP and INTJ).

While they are quiet and sensitive, INFJs can also be good leaders. Even when they don't take on overt leadership roles, they often act as quiet influencers behind the scenes. INFJs are driven by their strong values and seek out meaning in all areas of their lives including relationships and work.#1: INFJs are Idealists

For you, romantic attachment is about finding a soulmate – that one special person with whom you can truly connect. Problems arise when you put that person on a pedestal and refuse to see your relationship for what it really is.

Are there any INFJ villains : Don Vito Corleone from the “Godfather” has MBTI speculators split between INFJ and ISFJ. Ra's Al Ghoul from “Batman Begins” is believed to be an INFJ in contrast with Batman who may also be one. Dr. Elsa Schneider from “Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade”.